The Plant!
This plant is shrubby perennial, bushy and evergreen that grows to a height of 1 to 2m. The branches are upright woody at the base and tender on the tops. The leaves are thick leathery gray-green color and are in their upper part and white fluff at the bottom. In Greece there is native to mountainous areas, usually in the Peloponnese, Evia, Crete and the islands.
- The plant
- Τhe leaves
We find throughout Greece as cultivated in gardens and parks. Resistant to cold, but he likes the light and the sun. easily propagated by cuttings in all kinds of soils and summer need frequent watering. Blooms spring – summer. The leaves are used in the Pharmacopoeia, the perfumery, in soap making, gardening, confectionery and baking.Rosemary is one of the plants used by our church to holiness.
Fish with rosemary (recipe)
1kg fish
• Olive oil
• Flour
• Salt
• onion
• Garlic
• Rosemary
• Vinegar
How to prepare
Flour and fry the fish. Strain the oil and fry onion in it with garlic and rosemary. Add a glass of water, a little vinegar and a little bit flour and allow to boil for about 15 minutes until be really mild.
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