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The amazing rakomelo!

What is Rakomelo?

rakomelo cretaneshop arolithos

Rakomelo is a spirit drink made from honey by the process of fermenting sugars of honey. The rakomelo can be bought bottled, ready to serve after it has warmed up. It is prepared by combining raki (tsikoudia) or tsipouro with honey and various spices such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or other local herbs. Prepared in Crete and other islands of the Aegean Sea as well as in the Greek mainland, and consumed mainly in the winter months as a hot drink. It should not be confused with the roasted raki, which is a local Amorgos drink and is made from raki, sugar and more spices while it is served at room temperature.

Recipe for rakomelo

What we need:

1 liter of raki

honey as long as we want (the ideal for this quantity is 4 tablespoons)

2 cinnamon sticks

2-3 cloves

How do we do it:

In a saucepan, heat carefully raki, then remove from the fire. Then, pour in stirring honey, cinnamon and carnation … and just getting a boil is ready!

It is served hot and is the best cure for colds. (Because raki contains a lot of alcohol, you should be careful not to boil and pour out of the pot because there is a risk of fire.)

If you want, you can visit www.cretaneshop.gr to find handmade and delicious rakomelo!

haraki honey 200ml cretaneshop arolithos

How do bees make honey?

It takes about 60,000 bees to travel up to 90,000 km to visit more than 2 million flowers to gather enough nectar to make just half a pound of honey!

Once the bees collect the nectar, they store it in their extra stomach where they are mixed with enzymes.  Τhen passes into the mouth of another bee. This process is repeated until the nectar is digested “partially and then deposited in a honeycomb.

Τhe bees flutter the liquid nectar with their wings, helping the water evaporate and create the thick stuff we know as “honey.” This honeycomb is then sealed with a liquid discharge from the bee belly, which hardens and becomes the beeswax known to us all. As reported in Live Science

“Away from air and water, honey can be stored indefinitely, providing bees with the perfect source of food for the cold winter months.”

Light honey, like honey made from orange blossoms, tends to be gentler, while dark honey, like those made from wildflowers, tends to have a stronger flavor!

We prefer cretan honey from cretaneshop.gr!

The beneficial honey!

Honey has a beneficial effect and deserves … to take the place of sugar!

Now that it’s winter, honey suits our beverages to soften our throat, but it’s not the only way we can use it. A tea spoon honey for dressing our salad, chicken, smoothies, yoghurt, always is a sweet and healthy for our body.

The most important benefits

It can benefit in cases of gastroesophageal reflux disease

It can protect you from gastroesophageal reflux by creating a layer on the mucous membrane of the esophagus. It looks like 5ml of honey a day is enough if your heartburn afflicts in your everyday life.

It gives you energy in a natural way

Try to add a little honey to your diet. Its carbohydrate content is what gives this quality and is what you need to add to your breakfast, cereal, milk, tea or yogurt. A good idea is also adding honey to some warm water.

Helps you sleep better

In addition to eliminating negative thoughts and anxiety, you can try to drink a glass of warm milk with a tea spoon honey. Honey in this case acts soothingly in the brain and helps you to relax and fall asleep more easily.

It does good in heart

Frequent consumption of honey may also have a positive effect on factors related to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Soothes the throat

Honey is the natural medicine by itself or in a hot drink with a little salt and a spoonful of lemon juice for more action and relief.

For … hangover

The next time you drink a little more, make sure there is plenty of honey in your kitchen cabinets. A good idea is to consume it in a smoothie, which you can make with honey, yoghurt and orange juice.

Fights bad breath

You can combine honey with a little cinnamon and … freshen your breath in the minute.

A secret: one tablespoon accounts for about 65 calories, so go for honey!

We prefer Cretan honey from cretaneshop.gr for better life!