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Chickpea soup with lemon and onions!

It’s so cold outside and  we stay home, so it’s time to try delicious and full of vitamin recipes!

Let’s prepare it!

Chickpea soup

Chickpea soup


One tea cup of dried chickpeas (~160g).

Half an onion~20g.

Some garlic

Two small cups extra virgin olive oil ~150mL (Cretan origin preferably!).

Two table spoons of flour.

One lemon (the juice) ~40g.

Salt and pepper.

One-two Cretan Rusks (Dakos type) ~40g.


Place chickpeas in unsalted water 12-18 hours before. In a pot warm some water. Then add the chickpeas and wait to remove the foam from their boiling. Wait for 45 min to 1 hour. Check if they softened. If yes add the onions chopped in small pieces, lemon (1/2 lemon) and 2 small cups olive oil. Leave for 5-10 mins. Mix the flour with the other 1/2 of lemon juice. Add it to the soup. Add salt and pepper. Its ready to serve.

Enjoy it!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

A winter soup full of vitamins!

It’s so cold outside and  we stay home, so it’s time to try delicious and full of vitamin recipes! One of them is the potato soup, full of  fiber-rich, vitamin C and B6.

Let’s prepare it!

Potato soup

Potato soup

We need

500 g of potatoes

1 carrot

1 leasso

1 onion

100 ml yoghurt

100 ml of milk

500 ml of vegetable juice

Nutmeg Carey , Salt, pepper and extra vergin olive oil

Do it

We clean the vegetables, cut them into small pieces and cook them for 5 to 10 minutes in oil until they soften. We add the spices and let them boil for 25 to 30 minutes. We add the milk and yogurt , and we hit the soup with the rabblender until it takes the form we want!

Enjoy it!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

Homemade cookies with molasses!

The most delicious and wholesome, of our own cookies, that we make in love and the most pure materials, to make our coffee and tea extremely accompanying!

Homemade cookies

Homemade cookies

Let’s prepare this amazing recipe!

We need

  • 1 cup of olive oil
  • 1 cup of molasses
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1 tea spoon of soda
  • 1 tea spoon of cinnamon
  • 1 kg of flour
  • some ouzo

Do it

We combine  the olive oil, sugar, cinnamon and we dissolve the soda in the ouzo. We add it to the liquid materials.

We throw the flour kneading until we have a well-made dough that doesn’t fit into the hands. We roll the cookies in a round shape and hang them in sheet metal sheets.

We bake in an oven at 170 degrees C for 40 minutes. Try it and I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

Vegetables in the oven-The Greek tourlou

A wonderful summer food, with fresh vegetables that is now their season! With good ingredients and good Greek olive oil, our recipe takes off! Let’s see what we will need…

Greek tourlou

Greek tourlou

We will need:

4 aubergines

4 zucchini

2 green peppers

3 carrots

3 medium potatoes

2 ripe tomatoes

1⁄2 box of concentrated tomato juice

2 medium onions

chopped parsley

a teaspoon of olive oil


Wash and dry the vegetables well. Slice the aubergines, zucchini, carrots, peppers and potatoes. Put all the ingredients in a large and deep pan. Preheat the oven for 10 minutes at 180C. Squeeze the tomatoes with a strainer. Drizzle the ingredients with the tomato juice, oil, 1 cup of water and the prepared tomato juice (you can add less at the beginning and add during cooking, depending on how red you want it). Add salt and pepper, parsley, a little oregano and mix. Bake at 200 degrees C for one and a half hours.

Bon Appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

Delicious chicken legs with spices!

We have a delicious recipe for you, with few calories (it’s also summer after all) and a lot of flavor, since it is full of our favorite spices!

So…how do we make juicy chicken legs with spices? Here is the recipe!

Chicken recipe

Chicken recipe


10 chicken legs

2 kg parsley

2 kg curry

2 kg garlic (powder)

1 1/2 kg salt

1 kg pepper

2 kg honey

1 tbsp  Greek olive oil


Put all our ingredients in a pan and mix, make a mixture and spread on the booties. Bake at 250 ° C for 45-55 minutes. Garnish with a little lemon.

Bon Appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

Delicious sardines in the oven with ouzo and tomato!

Today we present to you an eminently summer food, whose intense smells will keep you asking for more!

This is no other than our favorite sardines that, apart from its amazing taste, have many nutritional properties!

Add spices and ouzo and just love them!

Grilled sardines with ouzo and tomato

Sardines in the oven with ouzo

Sardines in the oven with ouzo

We will need:

Sardines 1 kg

Olive oil 5-6 tablespoons

2 tomatoes, peeled

Sweet paprika 1/2 teaspoon


Onion dried 1 1/2 sliced

Garlic 2 cloves, sliced

Ouzo 1/2 glass of wine

Parsley 1/2 bunch, chopped


Clean the sardines, remove the heads, wash them, season with salt and drain.

Put the olive oil in a shallow pot to heat, add onion and garlic, sauté for a while and then add the paprika, pepper, salt, ouzo, peeled tomatoes and simmer for about 15 minutes.

Place the sardines in a baking pan, pour over the sauce and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes (depending on the oven). Towards the end sprinkle with the chopped parsley and they are ready to enjoy.

Bon Appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

The greek Dakos

Dakos, also called koukouvagia or koukouvayia is one of the most popular mezedes of the island!

Dakos consists of a slice of cracked barley bread, called paximadi that is garnished with crushed or grated ripe tomato and crumbled feta and oregano.

Let’s prepare Dakos!

Greek Dakos

Greek Dakos


  • 4 large round rusks
  • 3 large mature tomatoes
  • 8 tbsps extra virgin olive oil
  • 150 g feta cheese
  • 10-15 black olives
  • oregano
  • salt


  • Grate the tomatoes and drain all the liquids.
  • Pass the rusk under running water (very quickly) and place on a plate. Cretan rusks are very hard but you do not want to soften them too much. It should still be crunchy but easily breakable. Here you could add some salt.
  • Add about 1 tablespoon of olive oil and let it absorb. (Please note that here in Greece we often add much more olive oil, but this amount works fine).
  • Spoon the tomato on top, covering the whole rusk and then add the crumbled cheese.
  • Drizzle with another teaspoon of olive oil, some olives and oregano.

Bon Appétit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of cretan products for your recipes!

Cretan herbal tea!

Try a special recipe, which  tastes amazing and will give you extra energy!

Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea


Orange peel, Cinnamon, Fliskun, Plumper, Sage and Mint

For serving

Thyme honey

Slice of orange


Boil the herbs (in the proportions we like) together with the cinnamon and orange peel over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, strain and serve in mugs.

If we add some honey and decorate with 1 slice of orange and a cinnamon stick in each cup,it will be perfect!!

Enjoy it!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products,  like cretan herbs, for amazing recipes!


Lamb with lady’s fingers!

Delicious lamp with lady’s fingers. A simple and easy recipe for a dish where the perfect combination of meat with lady’s fingers and curry gives it a great taste. Try it!

Lamp with lady's fingers

Lamp with lady’s fingers


3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 kg lamp (sliced)

1/2 kg of lady’s fingers

One large onion (chopped)

1 cup chopped tomato

1 cup of water

some curry

​​salt and black pepper


In a large, deep frying pan, add olive oil and heat over medium-high heat. Add the lamb and mix well. Add the onion, salt, pepper, curry and continue to mix. Add the tomato, the lady’s fingers, water and simmer for 40 minutes.

Our dish is ready!

Bon appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products, for amazing recipes!

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Greek fava recipe

Fava is an easy Greek soup to make and its bright yellow color is a pretty addition to any Fall table. It can also be served as an appetizer, mezethes , or a side dish.

Greek Fava

Greek Fava


  • 1 lb. yellow split peas
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 lemon
  • Pinch of Salt


Wash and cover peas and cold water. Bring the water to a boil. Peel and quarter one of the onions. Add it to the pot and simmer it together with the beans for an hour until the beans are soft.

Drain the peas in a strainer. Meanwhile, peel and chop the remaining onion and saute on medium heat in 1 tablespoon of olive oil for five minutes. Add the peas and another tablespoon of olive oil and saute on medium-low heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the peas to a serving bowl, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of one lemon, and a pinch of salt.

Bon appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products, for amazing recipes!

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