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Ανακοίνωση από την ομάδα του Cretaneshop.gr

Αγαπητοί μας φίλοι,

Έχοντας υψηλά το αίσθημα της συλλογικής ευθύνης, προχωρήσαμε σε άμεση αναστολή λειτουργίας του Αρόλιθου του παραδοσιακού κρητικού χωριού, βοηθώντας έτσι στην προσπάθεια που γίνεται για την προάσπιση της δημόσιας υγείας! Ήταν αυτό που έπρεπε να κάνουμε για την ασφάλεια των πελατών και των εργαζομένων!

#Μένουμε Σπίτι και συνεχίζουμε την επαφή μας από εκεί!

To  www.cretaneshop.gr παραμένει ανοιχτό! Δίνουμε ιδιαίτερη προσοχή στην υγιεινή και την διαδικασία προετοιμασίας των πακέτων! Συμμορφωνόμαστε αυστηρά με όλες τις υγειονομικές υποδείξεις!

Τηρούμε από την πρώτη στιγμή την προετοιμασία των παραγγελιών σας, οι οποίες απολυμαίνονται σχολαστικά πριν την αποστολή τους! (Όταν παραλάβετε ας γίνει κι από εσάς μια απολύμανση και παρακαλώ να φοράτε γάντια μιας χρήσης)

Αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές προτεραιότητα έχει η υγειά όλων μας!

Επίσης προϊόντα που δεν μπορούν να βρεθούν από τους προμηθευτές (λόγω αναστολής λειτουργίας της εταιρείας) αντικαθίστανται αν είναι εφικτό από ίδια εναλλακτικά προϊόντα, πάντα με τη σύμφωνη γνώμη σας. Ζητάμε την ευγενική κατανόηση σας που πάντα μας στηρίζετε!

Μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε μαζί μας μέσα από τα Social Media μας ενώ παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (eshop@arolithos.com) και τηλεφώνου (2810 821050).

Μη το βάζετε κάτω, σιγά σιγά τελειώνουμε….. όλοι μαζί και αγαπημένοι θα τα καταφέρουμε!

Με σεβασμό και εκτίμηση

Η ομάδα του CretanEshop

Baked chicken in the oven, with honey and lavender!

Let’s try this amazing recipe! Our favorite chicken, with some different touches…

Baked chicken in the oven, with honey and lavender!

Baked chicken in the oven, with honey and lavender!


A whole chicken, cut into small pieces


Chicken marinade

1 tablespoon grated lavender

4 tablespoons of extra vergin olive oil

4 tablespoons honey

juice of 1 lemon



Mix well all the marinade ingredients and marinate the chicken. Refrigerate for 2-3 hours. Place the chicken in a baking pan and bake for 40-45 minutes. Serve hot with fried potatoes or wild rice!

Bon Appétit!

In our online store, you can find great quality of extra virgin olive oil, honey and cretan herbs.

Visit www.cretaneshop.gr and for any information contact us: 0030-2810821050 or eshop@arolithos.com


Olive the blessed!

The olive was the symbol of the goddess Athena. According to ancient Greek mythology, the home of the olive is Athens and the first olive tree was planted by Athena on the Acropolis. Through our history we discover that the olive tree is not only a symbol of peace, wisdom, fertility, prosperity, glory, but offers us protection, inspiration and food.

The fruit of the olive tree is very important because it produces olive oil. Olives are rich in nutrients. For many years, they have been the most popular snack of rural Mediterranean populations, accompanying greasy food, salads and many appetizing dishes.

It is the absolute Greek “superfood” and for that reason we should consume almost daily olives. 10 olives before a meal can reduce appetite by 20%.

Moderate consumption of olives in a balanced diet is an ally to beauty and human health.

Visit our online store www.cretaneshop.gr  and buy greek olives and our extra vergin olive oil! 🙂

Ελιά! Ο ευλογημένος καρπός!

Η ελιά υπήρξε το σύμβολο της θεάς Αθηνάς. Σύμφωνα με την αρχαία ελληνική μυθολογία, πατρίδα της ελιάς είναι η Αθήνα και η πρώτη ελιά φυτεύτηκε από την Αθηνά στην Ακρόπολη. Μέσα από την ιστορία μας ανακαλύπτουμε ότι η ελιά όχι μόνο αποτελεί σύμβολο ειρήνης, σοφίας, γονιμότητας, ευημερίας, δόξας αλλά μας προσφέρει προστασία, έμπνευση και τροφή!

Ο καρπός της ελιάς είναι πολύ σημαντικός επειδή από αυτόν παράγεται το ελαιόλαδο. Οι ελιές είναι πλούσιες σε θρεπτικά συστατικά. Αποτελούσαν για πολλά χρόνια το δημοφιλέστερο κολατσιό των αγροτικών πληθυσμών της Μεσογείου, συνοδεύοντας τα λαδερά φαγητά, τις σαλάτες και πολλά ορεκτικά εδέσματα.

Είναι η απόλυτη ελληνική «υπερτροφή» και για τον λόγο αυτόν θα πρέπει να καταναλώνουμε σχεδόν καθημερινά ελιές. 10 ελιές πριν από το γεύμα είναι δυνατό να μειώσουν την όρεξη κατά 20%

Η μέτρια κατανάλωση ελιών στα πλαίσια μιας ισορροπημένης διατροφής αποτελεί σύμμαχο στην ομορφιά και στην ανθρώπινη υγεία.

Προμηθευτείτε εξαιρετικής ποιότητας ελιές και φυσικά κρητικό ελαιόλαδο

από το ηλεκτρονικό μας μαγαζί   www.cretaneshop.gr

Knife maintenance!

Your high-quality knife needs a little care to maintain it and enjoy its edge for a long time?


Follow our instactions below:

1) Rinse immediately after use with warm water and soap, drying in the sun or at room temperature.

2) Do not use strong detergents

3) To avoid injuries during drying, always keep the knife from the handle to the edge.

4) Never place the knife on the dishwasher. This will not only affect the material but also its edge.

5) When storing a knife, make sure that the edge does not come into contact with other metal objects (other knives, spoons, forks, etc.) to avoid damaging and abrasion on the blade.

6) Save the knives either in a suitcase, in a knife case, in a drawer, or in a wooden or leather pouch suitable for knives.


Use a diamond tool specially made for sharpening a natural local Cretan stone of world renown, the famous ‘’ladacano’’, with water or oil at a 30-degree angle on both sides or a high quality mask for maintenance of the cut.


Put the ‘’ladacano’’ on a base for stability. Hold the handle with one hand and from the edge of the cut with the other (mainly pointer and medium). Immerse the machine oil with water and start rotating movements at an angle from the end of the cut or from the tip of it moving from one end to the other. Swap the sides until you are happy with the yield.

Thanks for reading and we hope you found usuful!



Organic products in CretanEshop.gr

Organic products, compared to conventional ones, are much healthier because they did not use hormones, vitamin fertilizers or antibiotics.

Terra Creta Premium

Terra Creta Premium

The nutrients provided by a biological product can be taken in full without the corresponding intake of chemical residues. They are safe for our health as they do not have fertilizer and pesticide residues that are likely cumulatively and over time can cause a lot of health problems, especially in children.

They also have a decreased concentration of nitrates.Research has shown that about 70% of the nitrate ions consumed by the average consumer come from vegetables and a significant proportion of water.

Useful information to the consumer

Consumers should be very careful when buying organic products.

I) They should prefer packaged foods organic products, while organic products are only sold to organic folk and organic food stores.

II) vegetables and fruits must be sold only in their season

(Iii) there must be, in a conspicuous place available to the consumer, the certificates of the quantity, date and type of each batch of production.

IV) attention to << monkey >> organic products. Traditional products are not always organic unless there is evidence that they are organic farming products.



In conclusion we can say that products that are grown without chemicals, without fertilizers and on healthy soils are much more nutritious. Scientific research has proven it and the opposite is hard to support!

Find organic products in our online store here: www.cretaneshop.gr


Pinakoti! The wooden kneading trough!

Pinakoti was an accessory (usually wooden and narrow) for traditional bread making process. It usually had many partitions, one for each bread!



How they made bread (many years ago)


A piece of bread that was stored from last week is made with water and flour, so that it becomes a gritty slurry.

They left it wrapped in a woolen blanket all night. With this piece, in the morning next day the bread is kneaded, and it is covered with the blanket again and left to ascend. Then they were holding a piece to make bread next week. With the rest, they made 3-4 large breads(as well as the pinakoti), which was covered with well-frosted cotton towels.

When the bread was ready, they went to the oven. There was the wood-burning oven, and when the oven was heated, they put the bread with a wooden shovel!

Take a look here, for this special product!


Dittany or Diktamos of crete!



Diktamos is the most famous of the Cretan endemic plants. Dictamοs is also said ‘’erontas’’ that means love. It grows in mountainous and steep limestone. On steep slopes of canyons and also on steep coastal rocks. The plant is scaly and has a velvety texture. The leaves are green-white, the flowers of pink, and the perfume of the delicious. It is rare, because the place where it is produced is small and the goats eat it because they like it.

Diktamos was known from antiquity and his ancient doctors attributed many healing properties.

In antiquity, the goddess Artemis, which among other things was also a protector of the women, brought a wreath of dictamos  in its head.

Also, the dictamos was able to reject the iron bows from the wounded bodies.According to the ancient writers this became known from the Cretan Aigagros of Crete who, when the arrow on their body was hurt and dying, ate dictamos and this fell instantly. The most well-known species is Origanum dictamus or dictamos of Crete, with gray-green, fluffy leaves, which traditionally boil and drink as tea. In addition to a delicious drink, dictamos also has healing properties.

Healing properties


The dictamos plant from antiquity has found many uses in several health problems. Nowadays, in its already known healing properties it has been added as a stomach medicine It is ectomacous and very digestible.

In headaches and toothaches, it does well when you chew for a long time dictamos leaves. It fights the bad breath of the mouth and helps in the treatment of gingivitis. It is recommended for nervous disorders, nervous headaches and other nervous system diseases, due to its properties.

For its antiseptic properties it is used in fevers, flu and colds. Finally, it is used as a haemostatic bruising.

How do we make tea?


To prepare the dictamos tea, put 10-15gr leaves of the plant in half a liter of water. Allow to reach boiling temperature. Let it cool for about 20 minutes before filtering it and drinking it.

When we dry his dried leaves in powder and we shed it into a wound it stops the blood.

The plant can also be used in the bath. Boil plenty of leaves and flowering peaks in plenty of water and add the water to a warm bath. We stay for 15-20 minutes. These healing baths are sedative, tonic, increase erotic mood and are believed to keep youth.

If you want, you can visit www.cretaneshop.gr to find the amazing herb: dittany!


The amazing rakomelo!

What is Rakomelo?

rakomelo cretaneshop arolithos

Rakomelo is a spirit drink made from honey by the process of fermenting sugars of honey. The rakomelo can be bought bottled, ready to serve after it has warmed up. It is prepared by combining raki (tsikoudia) or tsipouro with honey and various spices such as cinnamon, cloves, cardamom or other local herbs. Prepared in Crete and other islands of the Aegean Sea as well as in the Greek mainland, and consumed mainly in the winter months as a hot drink. It should not be confused with the roasted raki, which is a local Amorgos drink and is made from raki, sugar and more spices while it is served at room temperature.

Recipe for rakomelo

What we need:

1 liter of raki

honey as long as we want (the ideal for this quantity is 4 tablespoons)

2 cinnamon sticks

2-3 cloves

How do we do it:

In a saucepan, heat carefully raki, then remove from the fire. Then, pour in stirring honey, cinnamon and carnation … and just getting a boil is ready!

It is served hot and is the best cure for colds. (Because raki contains a lot of alcohol, you should be careful not to boil and pour out of the pot because there is a risk of fire.)

If you want, you can visit www.cretaneshop.gr to find handmade and delicious rakomelo!

haraki honey 200ml cretaneshop arolithos

Raki or tsikoudia

Raki or tsikoudia it is an alcocholic drink, that is a distillate produced from marc Crete strafyla from nipples. Cretan tsikoudia is different drink from Turkish raki, since this is as ouzo. It  has anise and double distillation while tsikoudia not.

Tsikoudia, is the queen of beverages, because it treats and it is pure. No pigments and industrial alcohol (alcohol derived from potatoes or sugar beet, etc.) and secondly provides anxiolytic and relaxing properties therefore gladdens our hearts and minds, to dismiss us from the obsessive thoughts, so we can relax, stimulate appetite, digestion and the warmth of our bodies. Raki warm, even if it is mixed with honey  or cinnamon helps to keep warm while raki cold to cool off. And all this is pure enough to be drunk in moderation and properly. (ie with friends, moderation and good meze).

How made raki – tsikoudia

The cauldron inside throwing  these materials boiling become steam. Passing the horizontal pipe and then refrigerate water and raki-tsikoudia is going out.

Visit our www.cretaneshop.gr and try this pure product! Cheers!