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«The beautiful Crete» Our traditional coffee house!

A historical retrospect!

The traditional Greek coffee shop is an old institution of the Greek society. At first, it was dedicated almost exclusively to men. It is a place of gathering for card games, sports and politics talk and of course, tasting Greek coffee, handmade sweets and tasty appetizers to accompany your wine and raki.

A loud and alive place, where everything is in movement, noise from chatting and disagreements, but also a place to reminisce about the old times.

Our coffee shop during the winter!

The beautiful Crete
The beautiful Crete
baking in our coffee house

«In our village’s coffee shop, with the wood burning stove, the traditional delights, the sweet smelling coffee and the daily chats…»

….are certainly vivid images for the elders and stories for the younger and it describes perfectly our own little coffee shop «Η ωραία Κρήτη».

Wooden chairs and corresponding tables, heat from the stove, sweet and salty tastes for merrymakers «μερακλήδες» as we call them. The complimentary food and drinks of our menu are made with pure ingredients and always served with a smile at exceptionally low prices!

…and during the summer

The same warm and quaint atmosphere, is maintained during the summer as well, where we transfer in the coffee shop’s patio. The briskness and the shadow offered by the trees in combination with the calm and the sounds of nature, constitute Arolithos the ideal countryside getaway, where the visitors can enjoy their favorite beverage along with local handmade products!

coffeehouse square
The desserts

What else can I do in Arolithos?

Combine your coffee stroll with a nice walk in our scenic pathways, pay a visit in our Agricultural Museum, as well as, the traditional workshops!

For any information contact us: 00302810821050 & info@arolithos.com


Ανακοίνωση από την ομάδα του Cretaneshop.gr

Αγαπητοί μας φίλοι,

Έχοντας υψηλά το αίσθημα της συλλογικής ευθύνης, προχωρήσαμε σε άμεση αναστολή λειτουργίας του Αρόλιθου του παραδοσιακού κρητικού χωριού, βοηθώντας έτσι στην προσπάθεια που γίνεται για την προάσπιση της δημόσιας υγείας! Ήταν αυτό που έπρεπε να κάνουμε για την ασφάλεια των πελατών και των εργαζομένων!

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Τηρούμε από την πρώτη στιγμή την προετοιμασία των παραγγελιών σας, οι οποίες απολυμαίνονται σχολαστικά πριν την αποστολή τους! (Όταν παραλάβετε ας γίνει κι από εσάς μια απολύμανση και παρακαλώ να φοράτε γάντια μιας χρήσης)

Αυτές τις δύσκολες στιγμές προτεραιότητα έχει η υγειά όλων μας!

Επίσης προϊόντα που δεν μπορούν να βρεθούν από τους προμηθευτές (λόγω αναστολής λειτουργίας της εταιρείας) αντικαθίστανται αν είναι εφικτό από ίδια εναλλακτικά προϊόντα, πάντα με τη σύμφωνη γνώμη σας. Ζητάμε την ευγενική κατανόηση σας που πάντα μας στηρίζετε!

Μπορείτε να επικοινωνείτε μαζί μας μέσα από τα Social Media μας ενώ παραμένουμε στη διάθεσή σας μέσω ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου (eshop@arolithos.com) και τηλεφώνου (2810 821050).

Μη το βάζετε κάτω, σιγά σιγά τελειώνουμε….. όλοι μαζί και αγαπημένοι θα τα καταφέρουμε!

Με σεβασμό και εκτίμηση

Η ομάδα του CretanEshop

Propolis- The miracle of nature

Propolis is a product that bees collect to disinfect honeycombs that store their honey, as well as all their bees, and to embarrass any unwanted insect or small animal that entered it and killed it with their spears, unable to get it out.

It is a blend of wax, retinas of various trees they know, balm, essential oils and pollen. It was known as a natural medicine used by Aristotle’s for the treatment of kidney and other diseases, and scientists until recent years have considered it a natural medicine, with truly exciting results.

First phase of Propolis

First phase of Propolis

Propolis is a bee product known for its ability to stimulate the immune system as it increases the body’s defense against the flu and the common cold. It works against infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Propolis ingredients are:

+/- 5% pollen

+/- 10% essential oils

+/- 30% wax

+/- 55% resins and balm

+/- 5% various organic and inorganic substances

This resinous substance is a powerful worldwide drug, after research and experiments recognized:

1. antioxidants

2. anti-inflammatory

3. Antimicrobials such as:

a. antique

b. antibacterial

c. antifungal

d. anti-protozoan

4. immunomodulators,

5. Healing

Propolis Ingredients and its powerful healing and immunomodulatory properties have healing properties and restore and regenerate injured tissues. Propolis also reduces the amount of free radicals in inflammatory damage and increases collagen damage. Accelerates various enzymatic reactions, cell metabolism, blood circulation as well as collagen fiber formation due to the presence of bioflavonoids, arginine, vitamin C, provitamin A and B vitamins.


Liquid of Propolis

It is clinically proven and verifiable by the application of propolis to thousands of recorded and different cases around the world. Propolis is more effective than penicillin and many modern antibiotics as bacteria, germs and viruses cannot resist its potent action.

Its potent action against viruses has been shown to:

– Herpes (highly effective in healing, healing the wounds associated with the virus and relieving its symptoms)

– adenitis

– fungal stomatitis

– has a potent effect on the tuberculosis bacterium

– helps regenerate tissues

– is a superior and endless source of energy and endurance

– strengthens the immune system as it strengthens innate and acquired immunity

Propolis is safe when taken orally or properly applied to the skin. It only causes allergic reactions in people who are allergic to bees or bee products.

Note: The anti-allergic properties of propolis are known but some people (five in a thousand) are allergic to bee products, these people should be careful and always consult their doctor

Cretaneshop.gr informs you that dietary supplements do not replace balanced nutrition or medical advice / advice and are not medicines.

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek propolis!

(Text and text editing: botanologia.gr)

Cretan herbal tea!

Try a special recipe, which  tastes amazing and will give you extra energy!

Herbal Tea

Herbal Tea


Orange peel, Cinnamon, Fliskun, Plumper, Sage and Mint

For serving

Thyme honey

Slice of orange


Boil the herbs (in the proportions we like) together with the cinnamon and orange peel over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, strain and serve in mugs.

If we add some honey and decorate with 1 slice of orange and a cinnamon stick in each cup,it will be perfect!!

Enjoy it!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products,  like cretan herbs, for amazing recipes!


Lamb with lady’s fingers!

Delicious lamp with lady’s fingers. A simple and easy recipe for a dish where the perfect combination of meat with lady’s fingers and curry gives it a great taste. Try it!

Lamp with lady's fingers

Lamp with lady’s fingers


3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/2 kg lamp (sliced)

1/2 kg of lady’s fingers

One large onion (chopped)

1 cup chopped tomato

1 cup of water

some curry

​​salt and black pepper


In a large, deep frying pan, add olive oil and heat over medium-high heat. Add the lamb and mix well. Add the onion, salt, pepper, curry and continue to mix. Add the tomato, the lady’s fingers, water and simmer for 40 minutes.

Our dish is ready!

Bon appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products, for amazing recipes!

Photo source

Greek fava recipe

Fava is an easy Greek soup to make and its bright yellow color is a pretty addition to any Fall table. It can also be served as an appetizer, mezethes , or a side dish.

Greek Fava

Greek Fava


  • 1 lb. yellow split peas
  • 2 onions
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
  • 1 lemon
  • Pinch of Salt


Wash and cover peas and cold water. Bring the water to a boil. Peel and quarter one of the onions. Add it to the pot and simmer it together with the beans for an hour until the beans are soft.

Drain the peas in a strainer. Meanwhile, peel and chop the remaining onion and saute on medium heat in 1 tablespoon of olive oil for five minutes. Add the peas and another tablespoon of olive oil and saute on medium-low heat for five minutes, stirring occasionally.

Transfer the peas to a serving bowl, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of one lemon, and a pinch of salt.

Bon appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products, for amazing recipes!

Photo source

Traditional coffee shop «Η ωραία Κρήτη» in Arolithos Village!

A historical retrospect!

The traditional Greek coffee shop is an old institution of the Greek society. At first, it was dedicated almost exclusively to men. It is a place of gathering for card games, sports and politics talk and of course, tasting Greek coffee, handmade sweets and tasty appetizers to accompany your wine and raki.

A loud and alive place, where everything is in movement, noise from chatting and disagreements, but also a place to reminisce about the old times.

Our coffee shop during the winter!

Our coffee house

Our coffee house

«In our village’s coffee shop, with the wood burning stove, the traditional delights, the sweet smelling coffee and the daily chats…»

….are certainly vivid images for the elders and stories for the younger and it describes perfectly our own little coffee shop “Η ωραία Κρήτη”.

Wooden chairs and corresponding tables, heat from the stove, sweet and salty tastes for merrymakers «μερακλήδες» as we call them. The complimentary food and drinks of our menu are made with pure ingredients and always served with a smile at exceptionally low prices!

…and during the summer

The same warm and quaint atmosphere, is maintained during the summer as well, where we transfer in the coffee shop’s patio. The briskness and the shadow offered by the trees in combination with the calm and the sounds of nature, constitute Arolithos the ideal countryside getaway, where the visitors can enjoy their favorite beverage along with local handmade products!

Coffehouse "Η ωραία Κρήτη"

Coffehouse “Η ωραία Κρήτη”

Homemade dessert

Homemade dessert

Business Hours

November-April: Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday: 08:00-24:00 & Tuesday-Thursday: 08:00-16:00

May-October: Everyday 08:00-16:00

What else can I do in Arolithos?

Combine your coffee stroll with a nice walk in our scenic pathways, pay a visit in our Agricultural Museum, as well as, the traditional workshops!

For any information contact us: 00302810821050 & info@arolithos.com

Website: www.arolithos.com



Cuttlefish with spinach! So yummy!

This is a delicious traditional Greek food! Try it at home!

Cuttlefish with Spinach

Cuttlefish with Spinach


  • 1 kg cuttlefish
  • 1 kg spinach
  • 3 onions
  • parsley
  • dill
  • 1 tea cup olive oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • lemon juice


  1. Wash and chop the cuttlefish in pieces. Remove the backbone, the skin, the eyes and cut the tentacles in pieces. Let it drain.
  2. Wash the spinach thoroughly and chop it in pieces.
  3. Peel and chop the onions, saute them in a saucepan with olive oil.
  4. Add the cuttlefish and its tentacles and saute for a while.
  5. Then add the spinach, the parsley (chopped), the dill, salt and pepper.
  6. Add a cup of water and simmer in low temperature until only the oil remains.
  7. Do not put to much salt because the cuttlefish has a salty taste itself. Remove from heat and pour the lemon juice. Serve hot or cold.

Bon appetit!

Don’t forget to visit  www.cretaneshop.gr  to find excellent quality of greek products, for amazing recipes!

Photo by: Déspina Kortesidou

Basil-the king of herbs!

Basil is aromatic annual herbaceous plant. It reaches a height of 30-40 cm, with many branches It is aromatic, rich in nectar and attract bees. Use as a seasoning for the intense and characteristic flavor.

The plant

The plant

It is closely related to other known herbs such as oregano, marjoram, mint and sage. It is well known and widely used in mild and warm climates. It originates from the tropical regions of Asia and Africa, from where it moved to the Mediterranean countries.

The leaves

The leaves

One species is called a plant of fever and in some areas it is used as antipyretic. It is used as a seasoning for its intense and characteristic aroma.

The name “basil” is attributed to it, according to legend, rose to the point where Grand Constantine and his mother Saint Helena discovered the Holy Cross. The name of the plant was taken from the “king” that is Jesus Christ.

According to this plant, it grew up in the lost tomb of Christ and its intense smell became a cause for its discovery. In Epiphany, the priest takes the believers with sanctity by diving a royal branch into the holy water. At the celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on September 14th, in the churches basil is shared. Various commercially available varieties are distinguished by the size of leaves.

Basil and Church

Basil and Church

The basil is grown as an ornamental plant in pots and gardens and its leaves are used as a condiment and decoction. The leaves contain an essential oil whose main ingredient is linalool and methylchiclavol.

In Greece basil is connected with good luck!

In our online store, you can find great quality of greek herbs at a very good prices!

Visit www.cretaneshop.gr and for any information contact us: 0030-2810821050 or eshop@arolithos.com



The Plant!

This plant is shrubby perennial, bushy and evergreen that grows to a height of 1 to 2m. The branches are upright woody at the base and tender on the tops. The leaves are thick leathery gray-green color and are in their upper part and white fluff at the bottom. In Greece there is native to mountainous areas, usually in the Peloponnese, Evia, Crete and the islands.

We find throughout Greece as cultivated in gardens and parks. Resistant to cold, but he likes the light and the sun. easily propagated by cuttings in all kinds of soils and summer need frequent watering. Blooms spring – summer. The leaves are used in the Pharmacopoeia, the perfumery, in soap making, gardening, confectionery and baking.Rosemary is one of the plants used by our church to holiness.

Rosemary Oil

Rosemary Oil

Fish with rosemary (recipe)


1kg fish

• Olive oil

• Flour

• Salt

• onion

• Garlic

• Rosemary

• Vinegar

How to prepare

Flour and fry the fish. Strain the oil and fry onion in it with garlic and rosemary. Add a glass of water, a little vinegar and a little bit flour and allow to boil for about 15 minutes until be really mild.


In our online store, you can find great quality of greek herbs at a very good prices!

Visit www.cretaneshop.gr and for any information contact us: 0030-2810821050 or eshop@arolithos.com