Αρχείο ετικέτας raki

Raki (tsikoudia)- The cretan spirit

Raki is a real Cretan product closely related to the Greek way of life, hospitality and entertainment of the Greeks!

Is the drink served in Crete on almost every occasion. Cretan raki is consumed as a sign of friendship and politeness, as a means of social communication. It is served almost naturally after every meal and there is often the opportunity to drink raki!

The process of making Cretan Raki

The process for Cretans is the same as it was centuries ago…

Raki is made in the autumn after the grape harvest, when the vines have been pruned. Raki is obtained from the grape press residue during winemaking, the core, by distillation. It contains an average of 30 to 40 percent alcohol by volume…

grape harvest

Distillation follows an ancient method that has been used for centuries and is now part of the Cretan tradition. The marc, which has been fermented in barrels for more than a month, boils in a special kettle, the Kazani.

distilation of raki

The kettle or kazani consists of 4 parts:

• the pot with the marc.

• The lid is big enough to seal as much steam as possible.

• The pipe is long enough to leave space between the fire that heats the pomace and the cold water (see next step). The pipe (Loulas in Greek) directs the steam to the barrel.

•The barrel (or rouba) with cold water inside so that the steam flowing through the tube becomes raki drops.

To our health (yamas)

A typical Greek phrase, known worldwide- Yamas! It is heard in every celebration, feast, in every form of hospitality


Give us good wine and raki and we know what to do with them!

Our suggestion for excellent quality of raki and wine, is to visit our online store www.cretaneshop.gr and then YAMAS!

Let’s draw us!

Every time a guest “feed” us with a comment, a smile or a drawing, one of our most important goals is achieved!

Loyalty to our guests returns to us, in the most beautiful way. Our aim is to provide an integrated experience (cultural, social, taste) to every visitor who trusts us…

And in this case, we have done it well! Thank you, Anita for your wonderful work.

Anita’s drawing

* A wonderful “capture” of our swimming pool

«The beautiful Crete» Our traditional coffee house!

A historical retrospect!

The traditional Greek coffee shop is an old institution of the Greek society. At first, it was dedicated almost exclusively to men. It is a place of gathering for card games, sports and politics talk and of course, tasting Greek coffee, handmade sweets and tasty appetizers to accompany your wine and raki.

A loud and alive place, where everything is in movement, noise from chatting and disagreements, but also a place to reminisce about the old times.

Our coffee shop during the winter!

The beautiful Crete
The beautiful Crete
baking in our coffee house

«In our village’s coffee shop, with the wood burning stove, the traditional delights, the sweet smelling coffee and the daily chats…»

….are certainly vivid images for the elders and stories for the younger and it describes perfectly our own little coffee shop «Η ωραία Κρήτη».

Wooden chairs and corresponding tables, heat from the stove, sweet and salty tastes for merrymakers «μερακλήδες» as we call them. The complimentary food and drinks of our menu are made with pure ingredients and always served with a smile at exceptionally low prices!

…and during the summer

The same warm and quaint atmosphere, is maintained during the summer as well, where we transfer in the coffee shop’s patio. The briskness and the shadow offered by the trees in combination with the calm and the sounds of nature, constitute Arolithos the ideal countryside getaway, where the visitors can enjoy their favorite beverage along with local handmade products!

coffeehouse square
The desserts

What else can I do in Arolithos?

Combine your coffee stroll with a nice walk in our scenic pathways, pay a visit in our Agricultural Museum, as well as, the traditional workshops!

For any information contact us: 00302810821050 & info@arolithos.com


Ένας χειμώνας στην “Ωραία Κρήτη”

“Η ωραία Κρήτη” είναι το όνομα του καφενείου μας και πραγματικά δεν θα μπορούσε να λέγεται αλλιώς!

Η ωραία Κρήτη

Η ωραία Κρήτη

Δεν είναι μόνο η παράδοση που περικλείεται μέσα στο ίδιο το καφενείο, αφού ο επισκέπτης θα συναντήσει τα ξύλινα τραπεζάκια, την γραφική διακόσμηση και την κλασική ξυλόσομπα, αλλά κυρίως είναι το σύνολο των δυνατοτήτων που προσφέρει το χωριό μας!

Our coffee house

Το καφενείο μας

Πολλές δεν είναι οι φορές που σκεφτόμαστε, που να πάμε μια μικρή εκδρομή; Να μην είναι μακριά, να έχει και χώρο να παίζουν τα παιδιά, να έχει να φάμε και κάτι!

Ε όλα αυτά και άλλα τόσο προσφέρει ο Αρόλιθος, το παραδοσιακό κρητικό χωριό!

Άπλετος χώρος, ένα φυσικό περιβάλλον, χειροποίητα μεζεδάκια και γλυκά! Και όσο ο καιρός είναι καλός, φυσικά απολαμβάνουμε τον καφέ μας στη αυλή 🙂


Νομίζουμε τώρα πως σας καλύψαμε, σωστά; Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για ότι χρειαστείτε και με χαρά θα σας περιμένουμε στο χωριό μας!

Τηλέφωνο: 2810821050 Email: info@arolithos.com


Μια καλοκαιρινή έκπτωση για διαμονή στη φύση, σε συνδυασμό με ζωντανή μουσική!

Το αγαπημένο μας ελληνικό καλοκαίρι είναι εδώ, οι μέρες γίνονται όλο και πιο ζεστές και η ανάγκη μας για χαλάρωση μεγαλώνει!

Μη χάνετε χρόνο λοιπόν και ξεκινήστε τις καλοκαιρινές σας αποδράσεις! Εμείς είμαστε εδώ για να σας κάνουμε τις καλύτερες προτάσεις…

Προσφορά ξενοδοχείου

Προσφορά ξενοδοχείου

Σε συνδυασμό με τις μουσικές μας βραδιές, με γνωστούς καλλιτέχνες της κρητικής μουσικής σκηνής, οι οποίες διοργανώνονται κάθε βδομάδα, προσφέρουμε μια γενναία έκπτωση στη διαμονή σας!

Με αυτό τον τρόπο, απολαμβάνετε την φύση, μπάνιο στην πισίνα μας, καλό φαγητό και κρητική μουσική και φυσικά το γλεντάτε άφοβα, μακριά από το άγχος της οδήγησής και της επιστροφής στο σπίτι.

Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες! Χαρά μας να σας δούμε στο χωριό μας!

Επικοινωνία: 2810-821050 και reservations@arolithos.com

Επίσημο site: www.arolithos.com

Traditional coffee shop «Η ωραία Κρήτη» in Arolithos Village!

A historical retrospect!

The traditional Greek coffee shop is an old institution of the Greek society. At first, it was dedicated almost exclusively to men. It is a place of gathering for card games, sports and politics talk and of course, tasting Greek coffee, handmade sweets and tasty appetizers to accompany your wine and raki.

A loud and alive place, where everything is in movement, noise from chatting and disagreements, but also a place to reminisce about the old times.

Our coffee shop during the winter!

Our coffee house

Our coffee house

«In our village’s coffee shop, with the wood burning stove, the traditional delights, the sweet smelling coffee and the daily chats…»

….are certainly vivid images for the elders and stories for the younger and it describes perfectly our own little coffee shop “Η ωραία Κρήτη”.

Wooden chairs and corresponding tables, heat from the stove, sweet and salty tastes for merrymakers «μερακλήδες» as we call them. The complimentary food and drinks of our menu are made with pure ingredients and always served with a smile at exceptionally low prices!

…and during the summer

The same warm and quaint atmosphere, is maintained during the summer as well, where we transfer in the coffee shop’s patio. The briskness and the shadow offered by the trees in combination with the calm and the sounds of nature, constitute Arolithos the ideal countryside getaway, where the visitors can enjoy their favorite beverage along with local handmade products!

Coffehouse "Η ωραία Κρήτη"

Coffehouse “Η ωραία Κρήτη”

Homemade dessert

Homemade dessert

Business Hours

November-April: Monday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday: 08:00-24:00 & Tuesday-Thursday: 08:00-16:00

May-October: Everyday 08:00-16:00

What else can I do in Arolithos?

Combine your coffee stroll with a nice walk in our scenic pathways, pay a visit in our Agricultural Museum, as well as, the traditional workshops!

For any information contact us: 00302810821050 & info@arolithos.com

Website: www.arolithos.com



Μια προσφορά για ανοιξιάτικες αποδράσεις! :)

Άνοιξη! Η εποχή που η φύση ζωγραφίζει! Οι εικόνες πιο ζωντανές, οι μυρωδιές πιο έντονες και η διάθεση μας φανερά πιο ανεβασμένη!

Ξεκινούν οι σκέψεις για εκδρομές και βόλτες, οι περίπατοι στο ύπαιθρο ακόμα και ο προγραμματισμός για το καλοκαιράκι!

Μέχρι τότε όμως, σας έχουμε μια υπέροχη πρόταση, για να φορτίσετε τις μπαταρίες σας μέχρι τις επόμενες διακοπές!

Προσφορά ξενοδοχείου Μαρτης-Απριλης 2020

Προσφορά ξενοδοχείου Μάρτης-Απρίλης 2020

Με μια γενναία έκπτωση της τάξεως του 30% σε κάθε τύπο δωματίου με ημιδιατροφή,  πάρτε φίλους, το ταίρι σας ή την οικογένεια σας και ελάτε στον Αρόλιθο, το παραδοσιακό κρητικό χωριό!

*η προσφορά αφορά σε όλο τον Μάρτη και μέχρι τις 12 του Απρίλη

Η διαμονή στους παραδοσιακούς μας ξενώνες δίπλα στο τζάκι, το φυσικό τοπίο και το καλό φαγητό, σίγουρα θα σας δικαιώσουν!

Μια έξυπνη επιλογή που συνδυάζει τα πάντα!

Κάλεσε μας στο 2810 821050  ή γράψε μας στο reservations@arolithos.com και κάνε την κράτηση σας!

 Επίσημο site: www.arolithos.com


Recipe for homemade tsikoudia

We can make tsikoudia in our house as long as there is appetite and passion for creation!


We need

Grapes ripe and clean, the more sweet grapes the more tsikoudia will give.

Plastic containers, open from top and closed with lid.

Ambuka, retriever (we can find a shop with agricultural supplies but we can also make ourselves with an old pressure cooker).

Alcohol  measurement  track.

And we begin:

 Step 1

We clean the grapes from any rotten

 Step 2

We push the grapes to the same degree that the berries break and put them in the pot.

Allow 20-30 cm of vacuum from the top to avoid overflowing with boiling.

Lay up clean and washed blocks and clean them with clean and washed stones or marbles. (no metals)

Cover the container without storing it for the boil fumes to escape.

We check it every day.

 Step 3

After 20-30 days of boiling, the sugars have been converted into alcohol, we set the retort.

 Put the grapes in the retort mixed with the juice, seal it and boil it on medium heat.

Once boiled, lower the heat to make distillation slowly.

We check the container with the water that passes the spiral with the steam, always be cold and refresh it to make the liquefaction complete.

We start collecting raki that is 25-28-30 degrees. This depends on how sweet the grapes were, raki will start with high points.

As the distillation progresses, the grades are lowered, they will go down to 15-14-13 until ‘’water’’ runs. So we put the raki together in a pot and we measure it at intervals and when we see that it has around 18-19 degrees we stop distilling.


However, the easiest way to drink raki, is to visit www.cretaneshop.gr to buy the best quality!

Haraki by Patsakis

image source: here

Raki or tsikoudia

Raki or tsikoudia it is an alcocholic drink, that is a distillate produced from marc Crete strafyla from nipples. Cretan tsikoudia is different drink from Turkish raki, since this is as ouzo. It  has anise and double distillation while tsikoudia not.

Tsikoudia, is the queen of beverages, because it treats and it is pure. No pigments and industrial alcohol (alcohol derived from potatoes or sugar beet, etc.) and secondly provides anxiolytic and relaxing properties therefore gladdens our hearts and minds, to dismiss us from the obsessive thoughts, so we can relax, stimulate appetite, digestion and the warmth of our bodies. Raki warm, even if it is mixed with honey  or cinnamon helps to keep warm while raki cold to cool off. And all this is pure enough to be drunk in moderation and properly. (ie with friends, moderation and good meze).

How made raki – tsikoudia

The cauldron inside throwing  these materials boiling become steam. Passing the horizontal pipe and then refrigerate water and raki-tsikoudia is going out.

Visit our www.cretaneshop.gr and try this pure product! Cheers!